Saturday, April 21, 2012

Meeting Naomi

March 8th:  We (Mom, Dad, 2 kids, and Grandma) left Texas
March 9th:  We arrived in Beijing.
March 10th:  Flew to Nanning, Guangxi
March 11th:  SHOCK!  China was NOT what we imagined! 
March 12th:  We met Naomi.
March 13th:  We finalized Naomi's adoption.
March 14th:  We got to know Naomi.
March 15th:  We went to Liuzhou to see Naomi's orphanage and meet her foster parents.
March 16th:  We got Naomi's passport and final adoption paperwork.
March 17th:  We flew to Changsa, Hunan

Naomi was the oldest child (by far!) being adopted that week.  Children had been brought from different towns in the province to meet their parents at the Civil Affairs Building in Nanning.  She was very timid and shy.  I don't think she spoke at all while we were at the office building. 

We brought her a gift, a purple dress.  (We had gotten a size that would have fit our 9-year was WAY too big!)  She seemed very uncomfortable opening it.  She had brought us gifts--friendship bracelets that she had made.

After we got back to the hotel, she quickly bonded with my other two girls (ages 9 and 7).  They bonded over Barbies and jewelry. 

(They have been together over a month and I still haven't heard any real arguments.) 

It took Naomi a few more days before she trusted her new parents, but she eventually got there.  :)