Wednesday, February 29, 2012

China Bound!!!

We have our flights.  We leave on the 8th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Woo! HOO! I'm sure everything else will fall into place soon!

  2. Praise the Lord!!!!!! I am just so happy for sweet Kate and your beautiful family!

  3. WOO HOO! Very excited for you guys, Annette! Can't wait to see this girl finally come home to her family! :)

  4. Sooo exciting..doubling-up the prayers!

  5. I am ... speechless with gratitude for what the Lord has done!!

  6. Selfishly, I am checking in hoping for an update. :)

  7. Hello, and wishing you a safe and wonderful journey! I got your blog address off the yahoo group for waiting kids:) Your oldest daughter had totally stolen my heart, and my husband had given the ok, to try to see if they would allow us to bring home 3 children at once. We were already LOA for two 5 year old girls! But the thought of your sweet girl aging out without her transfusions broke my heart! When i emailed my agency, they said she had a family:) YAY!!! I'm SO happy for you and her! God is so Good! She is beautiful, and you will be blessed by her i know.

  8. Hoping transitions are going well. If you can - please post some pics...we are so anxious to see your new family! :-)

    With prayers -
